Shaman Mother of Ancient traditions

ABBA bares unique sources codes for happiness from Agarta. Being the New Age voice of female shamanic Power ABBA channeled for our Earth strong rituals and ceremonies from Cosmic Shamanic Source to empower women from more than 30 countries. ABBA is internationally-known Northen Shaman protecting all ethnic traditions. On the Internet you will not find much about her as she is non –digital soul. Those who know real Power of shamanism and shamanic traditions travel all around the world to hunt for seeing her, hunt for the face-to-face meeting with her and the luckiest travel to Sacred Cave to receive healing and wisdom from her. ABBA is the pure source of ethnic shamanic female Power.

Our shaman journey is a prayer for every living being, for life without wars and diseases, for human happiness, for our children and beloved ones. We will be praying for the salvation of all the creatures on our planet as Gods used to do. We will be dissolving into the divine power of love. And the more the magic power we awaken inside ourselves the bigger the changes will happen to our families and to our inner world! Together we will make this world better!


Every person dreams of being happy, successful, healthy, of finding true love, true predestination and the work of a lifetime. Our live seminars and online workshops help achieve all this

Seminars and online workshops help to improve all areas of life that women care about:

the health of the whole lineage

reveal superpowers

accumulate personal strength for well-being and the realization of goals

establish harmonious relationships with your partner

release of stress, depression, illness

It is there that the deepest study of all the peculiarities in training, all energy practices and rituals are carried out. In addition, such events combine the strength and energy of all students. Together they create a special energy field, which increases the speed of execution of desires and requests many-fold.

The major part of the work of a Shaman includes the work with the amulets. It is in the World of the Spirits that they find their home in the amulets and then they stay with the person – owner of the amulet, like his/her friend and protector.

Shaman brings the amulets, which are true living relics. They have several tasks: to protect, to create harmony in relationships, to strengthen the family tree, to protect children, etc.

These living amulets and Spirit Helpers that live in them await you at the meeting with Abba

amulet amulet amulet


I help create harmony in relationships, make families happy, support thousands of women and children around the world.

My goal is to help everyone in need. Find a new family for orphans. Stop violence and aggression. Support women in difficult situations. Protect the elderly and single elderly.

As a shaman, I know that each of us has amazing superpowers and my task is to help you open them to make our world a better place.
